
April 22, 2015 | 0 Comments

A workbook and posters for treatment of addiction and suicidalbehaviour in combination with a psychiatric diagnose. Assigment for Dimence.
Migratierecht in de praktijk

October 15, 2014 | 0 Comments

Migratierecht in de praktijk Info-graphics about key aspects of Migration Law for a book by Beck-Soeliman, Alisentono and Kipping. http://www.migratierechtindepraktijk.noordhoff.nl
Praktisch Europees Recht

June 19, 2014 | 0 Comments

Praktisch Europees Recht Info-graphics about key aspects of European Law for a book by Huzen and Wormsbecher. The book is used in at universities (HBO) in the Netherlands. first edition 2012 second edition 2014 http://www.praktischeuropeesrecht.noordhoff.nl